“Collect things you love, that are authentic to you, and your house becomes your story”
Original and restored antiques by James Flenley, finding the rare and the beautiful. That sums it up.
One day, you wake up and realise that you aren’t where you are supposed to be. This was me. Whether I wasn’t getting quality time with my loved ones, or fulfilling my potential in work - something had to change. I have always been around interesting and old items of furniture, and it has been a constant source of interest to me getting to understand how things are made. I have no particular period of interest; if something is well made, looks stylish and serves a purpose, then it will usually be coming to my portfolio of stock! I buy for me, and my hope is that this transcends to what people love and can vision in their own homes. I believe that part of my duty to anybody who knows me is to create inspiration in their mind for creating the perfect design. So I decided to take the plunge; from buying a few bits and restoring at home and selling on eBay, things began to grow. There were storage units, and a dining room packed to the ceiling with furniture. So, why not rent a showroom?! In September of 2018 this is what I did, on the outskirts of the Antiques region of the Cotswolds. A beautiful old building now provides the backdrop for showcasing the wonderful pieces at Imagined Interiors HQ. Everyone is always welcome, I love to talk to people and find out what they love. The passion and enthusiasm from both sides is such a positive experience to draw on. I look forward to welcoming anybody who has read my story…so far.
Our love and adoration for old, unusual pieces of furniture and furnishings has enabled us to assemble a collection of items that would enrich any home or business.
Our areas of expertise include seating, lighting and bespoke tables and cabinetry. We restore items to a high standard as to not diminish the beauty created by its past.